9th September 2021

Book retelling story of Youghal’s “Titanic” Hero Jack Foley

A sailor who was aboard the Titanic, a man who was responsible for saving some…

A sailor who was aboard the Titanic, a man who was responsible for saving some 50 lives whilst aboard was the topic of a book launch last week.

“A Man To Remember” was compiled by Youghal locals Kevin Melly and Peter Landers, whose dedication also saw a plaque erected in Jack Foley’s name.

Jack was a storekeeper on board back in 1912, and him along with his fellow crewman Samuel Hemmings risked life and limb and used an axe to to chop a protruding bar which was preventing them from bringing Lifeboat 4 level with A-Deck.

The book at 24 pages is comprised of photographs and various other information sources relating to Jack Foley. The book is printed by Flanagan Print. Currently there are 200 copies at €5 with all proceeds going to the RNLI.



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