27th May 2021

Library Funding

Among the many projects receiving funding as part of the East Cork Development, Youghal received…

Among the many projects receiving funding as part of the East Cork Development, Youghal received €4m for the development of a new library on North Main Street. Local politicians James O’ Connor and Mary Linehan Foley both praised the decision.

James O’ Connor welcomed it saying investment in this library will create a community hub with remote-working spaces. He also brought up how important of a manufacturing town Youghal is historically.

There are a number of historic features in the town, including its old walls, almshouses, and old churches including St Mary’s which was founded in 1464.

The Clock Gate Tower received a €750,000 refurbishment and was reopened as an interpretative centre, telling the history of Youghal.

Mr O’Connor is hopeful that a recent decision by Fáilte Ireland to provide funding for a maritime museum in the old courthouse will add to the tourist offering in Youghal.


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